Category Archives: Uncategorized

Bible Camp and Cowboy Church Sunday July 30th

july-30th/ Round'Em Up Bible Camp Sunday 2-5pm  This is a unique opportunity for families to learn biblical principals in a truly “cowboy” way. Beginning at 3pm, camp will include several learning stations, each complete with life lessons from the Word of God and hands-on activities. Plan to participate in this one-of-a-kind camp for all ages.…
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Late Entries

Late Entries need to be mailed to PO Box 94 Falmouth MI 49632.  Cost is $25 per child.  No late entries after July 20th.
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Entries Are Due: July 1-2017

You may print off the entry form from our website, then mail it, email it,  or hand deliver to the June meeting on the 17th.  Do not forget it cost $5.   You can also enter for FREE on the link to Blue Ribbon on our Facebook page.   Deadline is July 1.  You will get 2 email confirmations from Blueribbon. If you do not receive the second email,  then you are NOT entered!